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How Travel Will Evolve in the Times of Covid-19 and After

It’s Q4 of 2020 and some of us know where the time is gone but most of us have confused looks on our face and are wondering “where did the time go”?

I’m a bit of both but mostly confused about how this very strange year has managed to go by in the blink of an eye and yet so much has changed so quickly. Travel is happening again but not nearly fast enough or in large enough numbers for the industry to not be losing some of its best people in droves. This is a tough time no doubt and it’s also a very innovative time as well.

Despite the losses in the industry there have been some creative gains as well as we figure out how to manage through Covid-19 and beyond. I’ve been reading articles and watching forecasts and predictions as to where we’ll be in 6 months to 3 years from now. And many say the same thing “we’ll bounce back”! I have faith that we’ll bounce back given zero to half a chance because there’s no industry that understands how to handle change the way we do in travel.

Speaking of change; read this article on some of the big changes that will save time in airports when traveling and may cost you in other ways that will be coming to airports near you or may have already arrived at your nearest airport.


“The most radical changes have the potential to turn airports from hotbeds of frustration into beacons of innovation. Here’s a look at what’s being installed around the world, and a few ideas yet to come.”

What are your thoughts on how you’d like the future of airports and travel to look in order to support your safety and your travel needs?